Where its at

Been a while, busy times, but this is a small snapshot of what I’ve been up to in the last 3 weeks.

Looking into how to define technology, I came up with a mindmap that explores Manipulating the Electromagnetic Spectrum, or my definition of technology. Something useful I gained from this was a set of tools, with which to try to manipulate other materials. The table shows what materials I’ve looked at, and I then did some sketches of how a landscape of these manipulations may look.

I spent some time attempting to organise my work, and figure out what I gained each week from the exercises I did, and it helped make it a bit clearer. Basically, I am really interested in making, how that forms a role in play, and also how I utilise quite scientific methods of understanding these ideas. I have a running theme of Entropy, and I find it easier to design something when I have a set of tools to use and test. The latest stuff I’m exploring is returning to my site and putting the site through a series of actions and tests to have a look at the different outcomes that are created. With midsemester presentations a few days away its very busy, but hopefully I can give a clear understanding of my research, and more importantly get good feedback and a way to move forward.

Universe making

I’ve attempted a few times to download a program I discovered called Universe Sandbox, but unfortunately it’s not working out. I’ve found a video showing what it can do, check it out.

It would be fun to try and get it working and get my hands dirty creating and destroying things, with gravity simulation and the like, but if it can’t work, I’ll have to think of something else.

What is technology?

Thats my big question this week. We changed tutors and Craig wasn’t hugely impressed with my spiral wall design, saying it’s like I kind of defaulted to a normal design method, not engaging with my how- technology.Fair call.

So my aim is to come up with a design or experiment to really test what i think my definition might possible consider being about technology. This is what I’ve written down in summarising some of my diagrams.

Technology is:
computers, mobile phones, personal devices, game consoles, TV’s, radios, CDs, mp3, DVD, Blu-ray, cars, applianes, planes, security, electricity….

But I don’t really think it’s that stuff exactly…

Those are devices, that help access and convey information that for the most part doesn’t ‘exist’      =HARDWARE

Facebook, internet, calling people, applications, Youtube, blogs, movies, videos, music, pictures   =SOFTWARE

All this stuff is what we use devices to access and create….
But what are we actually accessing????


These things permeate everywhere, everything, since the universe began, and I think our age of ‘advanced’ technology began when we started recognising, studying, experimenting with, and mostly manipulating these waves to perform in certain ways.
Alot of this software is merely a ‘visualisation’ of this spectrum, and how we’ve manipulated them.

Cool, so that is what I consider technology to be. In order to develop a design with this information, I need to figure out how I can manipulate EMS and what happens when I do.
This is quite difficult to do, when you consider how do I manipulate something I can’t touch? One answer?

And in what arena can gravity be applied in order to manipulate light in a variety of different ways?
The Universe

So I am looking at designing a Universe, in order to have a play with placing galaxies and black holes and quasars and stars and planets.
Time to get my God on.